AWS Partnership Overview

At Bulgarian Outsourcing Company, we are proud to be a trusted partner of Amazon Web Services (AWS), a global leader in cloud computing and IT infrastructure services. Our partnership with AWS allows us to leverage their robust cloud solutions to provide our clients with scalable, secure, and cost-effective IT services

Key Benefits of our AWS Partnership

Access to AWS Cloud Services

As an AWS Partner, we have access to the full suite of AWS cloud services, including compute, storage, databases, machine learning, and more. We use these services to design and implement solutions that align with your business objectives.

Scalability and Flexibility

AWS offers scalable and flexible cloud solutions that can grow with your business. Whether you're a startup or a large enterprise, we can tailor AWS services to suit your needs and adapt to your changing requirements.

Cost Efficiency

AWS's pay-as-you-go model allows for cost-efficient resource utilization. We help you optimize your AWS infrastructure to minimize expenses while maximizing performance and innovation.

High Availability and Reliability

AWS provides high availability and reliability through its global network of data centers. We design solutions that ensure your applications and data are accessible and resilient, reducing downtime and business disruptions.

Security and Compliance

AWS maintains a robust security framework and compliance certifications. We implement security best practices and compliance measures to protect your data and applications in the cloud.

Data Analytics and Machine Learning

AWS offers a range of data analytics and machine learning tools, such as Amazon Redshift and Amazon SageMaker. We leverage these tools to help you derive insights from your data and implement AI-driven solutions.

How Our AWS Partnership Benefits You

Customized Solutions

We work closely with you to understand your specific business needs and goals. Our partnership with AWS enables us to create customized solutions that address your unique challenges.


Through our partnership with AWS, we stay informed about the latest cloud technologies and trends. We bring this knowledge to every project to help you innovate and stay competitive.

Support and Maintenance

We provide comprehensive support and maintenance for your AWS-based solutions, ensuring they operate efficiently and reliably.

Cost Optimization

We continually assess your AWS environment to identify cost optimization opportunities, allowing you to achieve the highest ROI from your cloud investments.

Training and Education

We offer training and education to your team, empowering them to leverage AWS services effectively and drive innovation within your organization.

Our partnership with AWS demonstrates our commitment to delivering advanced cloud solutions to our clients. We harness the power of AWS's technology and expertise to help you achieve your IT and business goals.
Contact us today to explore how our AWS partnership can transform your IT infrastructure and drive growth and innovation in your organization